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Deleting Assets


This article provides the process of deleting assets when you may have a few assets to delete or by bulk when you have to delete assets by the thousands.




Deleting a Few Assets

Please note that deleting an asset in this way erases the asset record from the Telescope database.

  • If your user profile includes the Delete With Approval permission, you can only delete assets that have been pre-approved for deletion. Approval must be given by a user with the appropriate approval privilege.
  • If your user profile has the Delete permission then you can delete assets without approval.

Your user profile can also prevent you from deleting assets altogether. Many organizations assign that responsibility to Telescope administrators.

Once deleted, Telescope assets cannot be restored. Use extreme caution when deleting assets.


To delete assets, please follow the steps below.

  1. On TSWeb, select the assets that you want to delete. To find them, either open their collection or search for them. In this example, we will use an asset from a search result. Select the asset(s) and then go to Asset > Delete, as shown in the image below.
  2. A warning message similar or identical to the one below will appear.
  3. If you also want to delete the file(s) associated with the asset, select the Also delete original file(s) option on the warning message window shown above.
  4. Click the OK button. If you have the approval to delete the assets or if you have the delete privilege, the selected assets will be deleted. However, if you do not have the approval to delete the assets, the Delete Approval Required page will be displayed. The list identifies all the assets you selected but do not have the clearance to delete.
    To notify the user who can approve the deletion of the assets, select the appropriate user from the menu, and click Submit. Any assets you selected for deletion and are authorized to delete will be removed.

Bulk Delete

Bulk delete is desirable when you have a lot of assets you want to delete than can be deleted with the approach listed above. There are several approaches to delete assets in bulk:

  1. tsp_delete_record Stored Procedure: Because this is a stored procedure in the database, it only deletes the record from the database and does not delete the file from the file broker share.
  2. Delete method in the API: The Delete method in the API provides another interface through which you can delete files programmatically in bulk. The method also provides a parameter, boolean in_bDeleteOriginalFile, to delete the files from the disk which the stored procedure mentioned above doesn't allow for. You can find more information about it in the Integration Broker SDK Manual.



If the above process is followed correctly, then the selected assets will be permanently deleted and not visible on the Telescope platform anymore.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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