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Unable to Check-Out/Check-In in Windows 10


Users who were able to use the Check-Out/Check-In feature while being in Windows 7 might suddenly find themselves unable to use the feature if the OS gets upgraded to Windows 10. This will happen for installed Telescope versions in the 9.3 branch.



Telescope versions prior to 9.4 used Java applets for the TSUploader and most modern browsers don't support Java applets. So if an environment running Telescope 9.3 is upgraded to Windows 10, or the browsers are upgraded, then certain features including Check-In/Check-Out may stop working.

It is recommended to upgrade Telescope to 9.4 or above, but you can follow the below steps in case you don't want to upgrade. You can contact your Account Manager or raise a support ticket for assistance with upgrading if you have customizations or are an OnDemand customer.

You will need to use older versions of browsers that supported Java applets and the following steps will help you restore the feature:

  • Install Internet Explorer, Firefox 52.6 ESR, or any version of Firefox ESR that supports Java applets.
  • Install the latest version of Java.
  • For Mac/OS X, visit Security settings and perform the steps below whereas for Windows you can perform the same in the Control Panel:
    1. Go to Java > Security > Edit Site List
    2. Click Add and enter the URL of your Telescope home page.
    3. Click OK to confirm the changes.



Once the above steps are performed, attempting to open the TSUploader should prompt to allow running Java applets which if enabled will bring up the app allowing to Check-Out/Check-In assets.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
